Writing data

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Data writes / Mutations are hard, that’s why we decided to include some nice helpers and features in Svemix which helps you dealing with them in a simple and clean way. Each Route can define an action function inside the ssr context. On submit the action gets called by the Svemix Form Component and svemix automatically invalidates all the data/props for your current page. The nice thing is they even work with Javascript disabled, and keep all the error states, values etc.


Each .svelte file inside your routes folder can export an action function, this action can return any data you like, headers, status and it receives the SvelteKit RequestEvent:

<script context="module" lang="ts" ssr>
	import type { Action } from 'svemix';
	import { redirect } from 'svemix/server';
	import type { Post } from '@prisma/client';
	import db from '$lib/db';

	export const action: Action = async function ({ request }) {
		const body = await request.formData();

		const title = body.get('title') as string;
		const content = body.get('content') as string;

		if (!title || title.length === 0) {
			return {
				values: {
				errors: {
					title: 'A post title is required'

		const newPost = await db.post.create({ data: { title, content } });

		return redirect(`/posts/${newPost.id}`, 302);

<script lang="ts">
	import { Form } from 'svemix';

	function validateOnClient(formData: FormData) {
		const title = formData.get('title') as string;

		const errors: any = {};

		if (!title || title.length === 0) {
			errors.title = 'A post title is required';

		return errors;

<Form let:data let:submitting validate={validateOnClient}>
	<input type="text" name="title" value={data?.values?.title || ''} />
	<textarea name="content">{data?.values?.content || ''}</textarea>

	{#if !submitting}
		<button type="submit">Create Post</button>


You can also get the actionData via the getActionData function which has to be called within component initialization. It returns an svelte store which you can type with generics.

This can be really useful if you have some kind of input component:

	import { getActionData } from 'svemix';

	export let name;
	export let id = name;
	export let label = '';
	export let type = 'text';

	const actionData = getActionData();
	$: value = $actionData?.values?.[name] || '';
	$: error = $actionData?.errors?.[name] || '';

	<input {name} {id} {value} {type} />
	{#if error && error.length > 0}
		<span class="error" aria-describedby={id} aria-invalid="true" />


The action receives the SvelteKit RequestEvent. Always refer to the SvelteKit docs to learn about how to handle params, searchParams, request, formData, locals etc.. Since svemix makes heavy usage of SvelteKit nearly everything is identical.


type ActionOutput = {
headers?: Headers | Record<string, string | string[]>;
status?: number;
[key: string]: any;